What Are the Benefits of Herbal Tea?

A steaming cup of herbal tea can bring many health benefits. The ritual of boiling the kettle and pouring a cuppa over steaming infusion of dried herbs, roots and flowers has been practiced as alternative medicine for centuries – this therapeutic beverage contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy and improve overall wellbeing.

Add herbal tea to your daily routine as an effective way of increasing fluid consumption, which in turn supports hydration, digestion and cognitive function. Plus, its high antioxidant intake will combat oxidative stress that leads to illness and disease while supporting heart and brain health as well as digestive function – plus helping you maintain a healthy weight!

Healthier coffee options come from whole plants, seeds or roots. This provides many health advantages such as naturally caffeine free beverages with few calories and plenty of phytochemicals such as polyphenolics which have antioxidant properties linked to reduced risk of chronic diseases, lower blood pressure levels and cholesterol reduction, plus lower cancer risks.

Herbal teas, more accurately called herbal infusions or tisanes, are not technically classified as tea; rather they are created from various plants’ leaves, flowers, seeds, roots and fruits rather than Camellia sinensis (black, green, white and oolong), from which true tea is created. Thus herbal tea provides all of its flavorful benefits without overdoing caffeine intake! So enjoy all its healthful properties without fearing overdoing stimulants!

Herbal tea offers many health advantages, and the list continues to expand as scientists study its healing powers. From fighting infection, balancing hormones, relieving nausea to alleviating menstrual cramps, boosting metabolism and decreasing risk of heart attack; herbal tea can offer something beneficial for nearly everyone.

herbal tea contains ginger and turmeric that help boost immunity while peppermint helps alleviate colds and flu symptoms, according to research. Furthermore, studies indicate that its menthol properties could even help open airways tightened by asthma conditions.

Not all herbal teas are appropriate for all people, as some can trigger allergic reactions and side effects like dizziness, hives, skin rash or stomach upset. Also it’s important to remember that not all herbal beverages can be combined with certain medications (like hibiscus) so it would be wise to consult your physician prior to drinking any new herbal beverage.

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